
Showing posts from December, 2012

reviving a new habit

It was a few years back, more than a couple of them, that I decided I would scribble some regular stuff on my blog regularly and and few not so regulars occasionally. I had a sudden feeling that I had a lot that I was observing around and I had the required talent to put the thoughts to paper(web or e-paper to be precise). However, days and months and years passed taking weeks and fortnights along with them that I published even the regulars occasionally. Not that there was a lack of thought provoking events, ideas or people during this period who deserved attention. There was no lack of thoughts. There never is lack of ability to allot some words to the thoughts, especially when the thoughts are all mine. So then, where was the problem? And this sure is a problem. One does not lack the will, conviction or the ability to write and yet does not write. Now this is a really thought provoking idea and deserves some allotment of words in its favor. Writing, I have begun to...