Office Humor

I am not very sure if I have spelled it correctly or not as I am writing on an elementary text editor called notepad.
Notepad does not offer any kind of spell-check or spelling suggestion facility and I am feeling like a little crippled by the lack of 'on-the-fly' word suggestion. Just wondering what is crippling, the provision of spelling suggestion or lack of it? open for discussion.
So coming back to the point, and when the topic itself is not clear, it becomes all the more difficut for me to come to the point. Just wondering what is Office humour?
Office humour could be some form of humour that is in place in offices. I doubt as in offices any humanly thing can not be 'in place'. And if it is, it is supposed to be 'productive' should have a boss and a mentor and is supposed to show some improvement in a tangible measurable way(the long trail of words just passed mean how well one can lick butts, in some intangible way).
Office humour might also mean something which sees office as humorous. Again, office can be funny not humorous, i guess.
So back to square(quite literally as I am returning to my cubicle, staring on a sqarish thing called monitor, where I would be ogling some mess created by me).


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